Whiteness In America

The Mission

It is impossible to not have a racialized experience living in the United States.  Whiteness is often theorized as system of domination privileging white people (Ladson-Billings & Tate, 1995) through both the establishment of whiteness as something that is obtained as property (Harris, 1993) and maintained as an investment (Lipsitz, 2006).

Whiteness in America, as a project, is a space to share stories, research, blogs, and discuss through podcasts how whiteness negatively impacts the lived experience as is part of every aspect of American society.  The purpose is to enhance the dialogue and critically engage in a deeper understanding of whiteness.  The hope, is to eventually disrupt aspects of systemic whiteness and the actions, behaviors, beliefs, and values that allow for whiteness to serve as a mechanism for racial oppression.  


A little about Thomn

My name is Thomn, and I am one of the contributors behind this website and co-host of the podcast "whiteness in America". I recently earned my Ph.D. from Colorado State University and have been working in the field of Education for the past 15 years. As a critical scholar practitioner, I am committed toward work that focuses on equity and justice, more specifically work that addresses the issue of whiteness. I identify as a white (cis)male, and I acknowledge the intersectionality of these two and other identities hold much power and privilege. Part of this project is to serve as an opportunity to continue unpack and explore not only systemic whiteness but how whiteness is part of my lived experience.

About Thomn

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A little bit about Erica

My name is Erica and I am one of the co-hosts of the podcast Whiteness in America.  I earned my Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011.  I am an Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics at UM-Flint and I study and teach courses on African American English, discourse analysis, language and gender, and language variation in education and linguistic discrimination. I have also developed an oral history project, the Vehicle City Voices Project,  that explores language, history, and everyday life in Flint, Michigan.  

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