Whiteness In America
Exploring, Deconstructing, and Disrupting whiteness
A space dedicated to exposing whiteness,
sharing experiences to assist in deeper
understanding, and supporting the disruption
of whiteness in America.
A space dedicated to exposing whiteness,
sharing experiences to assist in deeper
understanding, and supporting the disruption
of whiteness in America.
Check out our latest podcast, blogs, and research!
We will discuss and link to recent research on whiteness. Utilizing research will allow us to more critically engage in the aspects of whiteness.
The Whiteness In America Podcast serves as another avenue to build a greater understanding on the topic of whiteness. Each episode will feature a discussion of key stories and current events on the topic of whiteness. In addition, most episodes will feature a Critical Interview. Critical Interviews will be with guests that are either intimately involved with examining the topic of whiteness (researchers, scholars, activists, community leaders, etc), or individuals that are sharing a portrait or counternarrative of their lived experience on the topic of whiteness.
The Blog is an environment in which I along with guests will share stories, reflections, experiences, and portraits of our lived experiences around the topic of whiteness. Critically reflecting and unpacking these lived experiences and building a deeper understanding of whiteness will create opportunities to disrupt and dismantle whiteness.
It is impossible to not have a racialized experience living in the United States. Whiteness is often theorized as system of domination privileging white people (Ladson-Billings & Tate, 1995) through both the establishment of whiteness as something that is obtained as property (Harris, 1993) and maintained as an investment (Lipsitz, 2006).
Whiteness in America, as a project, is a space to share stories, research, blogs, and discuss through podcasts how whiteness negatively impacts the lived experience as is part of every aspect of American society. The purpose is to enhance the dialogue and critically engage in a deeper understanding of whiteness. The hope, is to eventually disrupt aspects of systemic whiteness and the actions, behaviors, beliefs, and values that allow for whiteness to serve as a mechanism for racial oppression.
Click here to see our partners and friends that have contributed to the site or participated in a Critical Interview.
Be part of the discussion and share your story or thoughts.
Your voice, your words. If you are interested in posting a blog, submitting a story, or connecting your research with this site, please click below.